Hello cyberspace!
Had a really hard time getting up today. Yesterday was so chaotic and then I stayed up later than I should because of my hexagons so today I'm kind of beat. Doesn't really help that I work every day of the week, I supose. But it could be worse because I get in at 10a.m and I leave most days at 3p.m., sometimes at 4p.m like today and twice a week at 5p.m.
I resisted the urge to bring my hexagons with me to work, though it would be really nice to be able to do them here, I just know I wouldn't pay attention to anything else. So basically all I can do is browse the Internet for blogs and pages that inspire me.
By the end of today I expect to use up all of my squares and all the hexagons I cut up. I really have to make a decision regarding my very small and embarassing fabric stash, maybe some investment is needed. I so wish I could find some fat quarter packs with beautifull fabrics, but it's hard around here...
Healtwise, I only wish that I could do this while walking on a treadmill. Oh well, baby steps I guess...
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